Friday, March 31, 2017

How to break the "I'm sorry" reflex

How many times per day to we say "I'm sorry"?  I began to do it again...
Some time ago I would often start and end my conversations with the word “sorry” — sorry for bothering you, sorry for the bad news, sorry this issue came up, sorry for asking questions.  Lately, I found myself slipping back into that old habit.
How we set our mind ie, mindset...
Me, I have a tendency to care too much.  I cared too much about people’s opinions and what members thought and it showed in the way I felt around others.  So I started to follow a few simple steps this I think will help as we all have a tendency and can run in all of us.How I catch and then break the "I'm sorry cycle" It took time to master I am constantly vigilant, but it works and it gives power to who we often feel they need to apologise for the way their anxiety makes them feel and behave.  But all you are doing is excusing your anxiety, and reinforcing that it is something you are ashamed of.  
I’m now not sorry for many things anymore and I’ve certainly stopped apologising for being me as most of you know i am a bit straightforward.
Never apologise for your anxiety Those who are anxious, especially around others,
I can tell you first hand, it is not serving your best interests or anyone else. To recover you must be  with who you ar"OK" right now, it will help you accept where you are so you can get to where you want to be. Constant apologising and explanation of your anxiety only reminds you that it has this control over you, it helps give it the power to exist.
You have to get it set in your mind, your anxiety needs no apology, it never has and it never will.
Stop looking for their approval for the choice you’ve already made.   If you feel you must, say ‘no, I’m busy then’, or ‘no, I’m not able to’. But that should be it, don’t be shaky about it (I like straight talk, don't you?) Stop going on in great detail because you’re worried that you’ve not given them the answer they were looking for. Or worse, you've offended them. Have confidence in your convictions and whatever you do, don’t apologise afterwards for your choice.
It’s time to put it This into action
As with any habit, it becomes subconscious and ingrained.  You’ll find you apologise or say "a sheepish "i'm sorry" without even thinking and therefore it can be difficult to break.  It takes a little practice to be mindful of what you are saying, but never underestimate the power of your own words upon your mind. Our words are our world.  
If what I’ve been speaking about, sounds a lot like you, then set yourself a little challenge.  
Here is what I would like you to do..
no apologies, no explanations, unless it was clear that they were needed. ( not on assumptions),  If I wasn’t certain then I’d ask, and guess what, 95% of the time they were not offended at all! Eventually, unless it was obvious then I wouldn’t say a one word, this is being made about by our own mind. It’s time to stand up, be strong and trust in who you are.  This is affective several elements in your progress in the LBA.I have not found a hateful person here in the LBA so I don't think any of you will lose any friends.  You may even notice that they’ll actually start to respect you more and this will only further boost your self-esteem.
The 5 Day Challenge
For 5 days consecutive days stick to the following two guidelines:
  1. Do not apologize to anyone for anything you say or do. Sorry is only needed if you have done something really wrong and know the other person is upset – if you’re not sure, then take it that you’ve done nothing wrong. Do not assume!
  2. Only answer yes or no to any questions, or give specific answers where necessary. Never say anymore than you need or try and explain your choice.
It's no thank you with a SMILE :) and mean it.

It’s time to stand up, be strong and trust in who you are. This is affecting you in more ways than you could possibly realize.

I promise, as long as you’re a decent person, you’re not going to lose any friends. In fact, you may even find that people actually start to respect you more and this will only further boost your self-esteem and resolve in following the LBA principles and life in general.

George, Dr. Kosmides nearly lost his life at 19 after a major car accident. This is what moved him into the field of health. Within 5 years of graduating George lost his father at the age of 56 to diabetic side-effects.  He has since studied at some of the largest clinics in north America to learn why!  
For over 22 years Dr. George has been in active practice. He is a best-selling author and founder of a global wellness company Lean Body Academy, a supplement company, a coaching company and author of "Life without diabetes" (The Book) was created to help people around the world to begin to take control of their health and to promote and grow their family's health ethically and honestly. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The 5 Things You Can Control in Life That Have the Biggest Impact...

Your Self-Talk "That inner voice"  We all have a voice in our heads talking us in or out of something...  That voice can often be critical as it will usually go back to old habit patterns, usually the negative ones and get in the way of our goals,happiness and success. Try this... Count the times you engage in negative self-talk for one day. I think you'll  may surbe quite surprised you how often you criticize yourself (self loathing behavior).  When you begin to recognize this and replace it with encouraging words, your mindset and attitude will shift. Be kind with and to yourself. For example, instead of telling yourself you’re not good enough and you "messed up", remind yourself that you are worthy of kindness and attention, or that it’s okay to make mistakes—we all do!
Your Lifestyle / Food Choices - Even though processed foods might taste great, junk food is a negative in so many ways. It makes your brain and body dysfunctional in so many ways . Consuming white and refined sugars has been linked to all kinds of negative conditions (including metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease, diabetes and yes cancer), not to mention mood swings, elevated body fat and emotional crashes that kill productivity.  Simple fixes like keeping a bag of carrots or a bowl of fruit handy help us pick up the healthier choice when we're depleted and hungry and reaching for the closest snack. Easy-to-whip-up, raw nuts and seeds for example.

Always begin with the basics.  We have heard this throughs or lives.  So let's go through what i think to be the BIG 5 and the one we have the most control over.
  1. Breathing “our breath”  Most people you and I included may not even think about breathing (I myself used to talk for many seconds at a time and forget to breathe and have to catch myself!). When you focus on your breath, you can count “one” and "two" inhale and exhale. When you get to 10, start over. I bet you'll start to feel better and more centered immediately.  Those of you who follow my blog and periscope broadcasts know i talk about “keeping your breath”.  The ability to keep a reasonable conversation while walking/movement.

  1. Body Language -  "Body position and facial expressions" you can and will demonstrate more power and self-confidence by fundamentally changing the way you hold your body. For example, adopting a powerful stance—arms on hips - feet planted wide, causing you to take up more space— Actually can increases testosterone and decreases the stress hormone cortisol (don't worry lady's this will not cause any man like features...). The result? This "power positioning" will make you feel more, well powerfull.. Think about this before you meet with a potential client, go to interview, or even just before you leave the house.

  1. Sleep The Key Metabolic Balancer - Sleep is absolutely critical for health, anti aging and fat loss.  As well as mental focus, concentration, job and academic and physical performance.  As well as keeping your appetite under control, and a many other positive health outcomes. In order to “hack” sleep, you have to set a routine. Set a time to be in bed, mine is  9:30 p.m. and I wake up by 6:15 a.m.  If your brain can't calm down while you're trying to fall asleep, here is a tip, tell yourself, “I'm proud of what I accomplished today, I'm going to let my brain and body rest now." Or try other trusted get-to-sleep-ASAP methods, including cutting back on alcohol.

George, Dr. Kosmides nearly lost his life at 19 after a major car accident. This is what moved him into the field of health. Within 5 years of graduating George lost his father at the age of 56 to diabetic side-effects.  He has since studied at some of the largest clinics in north America to learn why!  
For over 22 years Dr. George has been in active practice. He is a best-selling author and founder of a global wellness company Lean Body Academy, a supplement company, a coaching company and author of "Life without diabetes" (The Book) was created to help people around the world to begin to take control of their health and to promote and grow their family's health ethically and honestly. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Lacto Ovo Vegetarian:
A lacto ovo vegetarian diet excludes meat and fish but includes dairy products and eggs. This would be considered the standard vegetarian diet.
An ovo-vegetarian diet excludes meat, fish and dairy products but includes the consumption of eggs. Ovo vegetarians are also referred to as “eggetarians”.
A demi-vegetarian diet excludes meat but includes fish, eggs, vegetarian cheese and milk-based products.
Semi-Vegetarian (known as the flexitarian diet):
A semi-vegetarian is considered to be a person who is cutting back on his or her intake of meat, but still eats meat when they feel like it (yawn). There are two subcategories to this form of, dare I say it, vegetarianism, which it really isn’t!
A pollo-vegetarian diet, known as pollotarianism, includes poultry, dairy and eggs but excludes fish or other mammal meat.
A pesco-vegetarian follows a pescatarian diet, which includes eggs and dairy products, and the occasional consumption of chicken and fish, but excludes red
Vegan vs. Vegetarian
The defining can be a bit confusing, yet often confused by companies selling food products, foodies and chefs. Like vegans.

Vegetarians do not eat any animal flesh; no chicken, pig, cow, sea animals.

In addition to not consuming any animal meat, a vegan doesn’t eat eggs, dairy products or any other product derived from an animal. Vegetarians, on the other hand, tend to eat eggs and dairy products like milk and butter.

Vegans also avoid using products that have been tested on animals, like makeup and skin creams, or products made from animal skins such as leather belts and shoes. But vegetarians can be a bit more lenient when it comes to using products derived from animals.  When it comes to being a vegetarian, the definition isn’t always clear cut.

You might meet a vegetarian who doesn’t eat dairy but eats eggs (ovo lacto), or a vegetarian who doesn’t eat eggs or dairy but still wears a leather belt. Veganism, however, is clearly defined: no eating animal flesh, no using products tested on animals or wearing products derived from animals.

George, Dr. Kosmides nearly lost his life at 19 after a major car accident. This is what moved him into the field of health. Within 5 years of graduating George lost his father at the age of 56 to diabetic side-effects.  He has since studied at some of the largest clinics in north America to learn why!  
For over 22 years Dr. George has been in active practice. He is a best-selling author and founder of a global wellness company Lean Body Academy, a supplement company, a coaching company and author of "Life without diabetes" (The Book) was created to help people around the world to begin to take control of their health and to promote and grow their family's health ethically and honestly. GET THE APP

Monday, March 27, 2017

Heal Hypothyroidism Symptoms Naturally

375x321_how_does_your_thyroid_work_video.jpgAccording to the United States National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, an estimated 27 million Americans suffer from thyroid disease? Not only that but 13 million of these sufferers are currently undiagnosed. Additionally, the risk of thyroid disease increases as you age and women are seven times more likely than men to be diagnosed with thyroid issues.

What not to do: Iodine Supplements: Using iodine to treat an underactive thyroid gland is controversial. Very few Americans get too little iodine, though your years of avoiding iodized salt may have resulted in an inadequate iodine intake for you. In a case report, a woman who usedkelp as an iodine supplement aggravated her thyroid disease.

How can I boost my thyroid?
  1. Eliminate processed foods and carbohydrates, including sugar. ...
  2. Meet your Lean Body Mass water & protein requirements
  3. Eat certain thyroid-boosting fats like coconut oil.
  4. Incorporate thyroid-boosting fermented foods and drinks
  5. Eat your sea vegetables.

George, Dr. Kosmides nearly lost his life at 19 after a major car accident. This is what moved him into the field of health. Within 5 years of graduating George lost his father at the age of 56 to diabetic side-effects.  He has since studied at some of the largest clinics in north America to learn why!  
For over 22 years Dr. George has been in active practice. He is a best-selling author and founder of a global wellness company Lean Body Academy, a supplement company, a coaching company and author of "Life without diabetes" (The Book) was created to help people around the world to begin to take control of their health and to promote and grow their family's health ethically and honestly. 

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Why change is inevitable, 5 Keys to Make it Positive


References: Harvard Business Review Tony Schwartz and Socrates
When we think of change what words com to mind?Pain / discomfort / disruption / comfort zone Change is Always _________ But we can think in a different way Nothing changes until you do.  This can be uncomfortable but necessary. I would use the word painful. But, It's a pain worth living through.

"Let him that would move the world first move himself.” ~ Socrates

One more that seems to fit here from our Greek friend;

“The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world, is to be in reality what we would appear to be; and if we observe, we shall find, that all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by this practice.” ~ Socrates
Change is not only something we must accept, but it is actually something to celebrate. Change as fundamental to the world poses a question to us when we are facing difficult changes that we might want to deny or resist. By insisting that something or someone stay the same or not change, could it be that we are destroying or denying the very thing we wish to change in our lives? In any particular case, when we are resisting change, we should ask ourselves, is this like trying to stop a river from cutting a deeper path?
5 Keys to Make "change"Positive
  1. Be Precise and Specific as Possible
A typical resolution that I see is “I will exercise regularly or eat better” This is designed for failure. Why?  We must have a day and time, menu or grocery list, etc.  Your chance for success if you choose in advance the day's, menu and times of foods, play, etc, and precisely what you’re going to do on each of them.

     2. One Element or Challenge at a time
Over the years I have and continue to include a broad range of routines and practices, ranging from ones for resistance training and swimming, to doing the most important things first thing in the morning then I focus on family, emails etc.

     3. To much or too little
One Of the areas that I see the most for initial members is biting off more than they can chew. Pick the "one thing" that is in your way and begin working on that.  Having lofty ideas and goals is great but, being realistic is the key to winning the change game.

     4. You are on Solid ground
Change is hard. It is uncomfortable, accept that you will experience failure at times. The average person launches a change effort five or six separate times before it finally takes. Follow the lessons, and I can tell you from my own life lessons and working with thousands of clients and patients that you will succeed, and probably without multiple failures and frustrations.

     5. Focus All of Your Energy on the New Not on Fighting the Old.   When we move in a new direction there are always old and stale memories and sometimes people in our lives they may add to.

George, Dr. Kosmides nearly lost his life at 19 after a major car accident. This is what moved him into the field of health. Within 5 years of graduating George lost his father at the age of 56 to diabetic side-effects.  He has since studied at some of the largest clinics in north America to learn why!  
For over 22 years Dr. George has been in active practice. He is a best-selling author and founder of a global wellness company Lean Body Academy, a supplement company, a coaching company and author of "Life without diabetes" (The Book) was created to help people around the world to begin to take control of their health and to promote and grow their family's health ethically and honestly. GET THE APP
the uncomfortable nature of this process.  Do it anyway with a smile :)

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Role of Magnesium in the Development of Type 2 Diabetes

Researchers involved in the Rotterdam Study—a prospective population-based cohort study that has been ongoing since 1990 at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam—recently explored the relationship between serum magnesium levels and prediabetes. If low serum magnesium is due to T2D, then it would be unlikely to find such an association in prediabetes as blood glucose levels in those patients are not high enough to result in increased urinary excretion of magnesium.

Yet, after following more than 7000 Rotterdam Study participants over a median of nearly 6 years, the researchers found that low serum magnesium levels were associated with an increased risk of prediabetes, with comparable risk estimates to that of T2D.2 Further, they found that common genetic variation in magnesium-regulating genes (including genes that regulate magnesium reabsorption and transport) influenced diabetes risk, and this risk was mediated through alterations in serum magnesium levels. “Both findings support a potential causal role of magnesium in the development of T2D,” the study authors concluded.  


Gommers LM, Hoenderop JG, Bindels RJ, de Baaij JH. Hypomagnesemia in Type 2 Diabetes: A Vicious Circle? Diabetes 2016;65:3-13.
Kieboom BC, Ligthart S, Dehghan A, et al. Serum magnesium and the risk of prediabetes: a population-based cohort study. Diabetologia 2017.

Narayan KM, Boyle JP, Thompson TJ, Sorensen SW, Williamson DF. Lifetime risk for diabetes mellitus in the United States. JAMA 2003;290:1884-90.

George, Dr. Kosmides nearly lost his life at 19 after a major car accident. This is what moved him into the field of health. Within 5 years of graduating George lost his father at the age of 56 to diabetic side-effects.  He has since studied at some of the largest clinics in north America to learn why!  
For over 22 years Dr. George has been in active practice. He is a best-selling author and founder of a global wellness company Lean Body Academy, a supplement company, a coaching company and author of "Life without diabetes" (The Book) was created to help people around the world to begin to take control of their health and to promote and grow their family's health ethically and honestly. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Fight Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Win

The primary symptoms of fibromyalgia include widespread musculoskeletal pain, severe
fatigue, and disturbed sleep. Fibromyalgia means pain in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons –
the soft fibrous tissues in the body.

Most patients with fibromyalgia say that they ache all over. Their muscles may feel like they

were pulled or overworked. Sometimes fibromyalgia symptoms include muscle twitches and burning sensations. More women than men are afflicted with fibromyalgia, and it shows up in people of all ages. A conservative estimate of its prevalence is 2% of the general population,
but it may be as high as 3-5%. 

To help your family and friends relate to your fibromyalgia symptoms, have them think back to

the last time they had a bad flu. Every muscle in their body shouted out in pain. In addition,
they felt devoid of energy as though someone had unplugged their power supply. While the
severity of symptoms fluctuates from person to person, fibromyalgia may resemble a post-viral
state. This similarity is the reason experts believe that fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and
chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) may actually be the same condition.

Common symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome:

 Pain - The pain of fibromyalgia has no boundaries. People describe the pain as deep

muscular aching, throbbing, shooting, and stabbing. Intense burning may also be present. Quite often, the pain and stiffness are worse in the morning and you may hurt more in muscle groups that are used repetitively.

 Fatigue - This symptom can be mild in some fibromyalgia patients and yet incapacitating in others. The fatigue has been described as "brain fatigue" in which patients feel totally drained of energy. Many patients depict this situation by saying that they feel as though their arms and legs are tied to concrete blocks, and they have difficulty concentrating, e.g., brain fog.

 Sleep disorder - Most fibromyalgia patients have an associated sleep disorder called the alpha-EEG anomaly. This condition was uncovered in a sleep lab with the aid of a machine that recorded the brain-waves of patients during sleep. Researchers found that the majority of fibromyalgia patients could fall asleep without much trouble, but their deep level (or stage 4) sleep was constantly interrupted by bursts of awake-like brain activity. Patients appeared to spend the night with one foot in sleep and the other one out of it.

Sleep lab tests may not be necessary to determine if you have disturbed sleep. If you

wake up feeling as though you've just been run over by a Mack truck—what doctors
refer to as unrefreshing sleep—it is reasonable for your physician to assume that you
have a sleep disorder. Many fibromyalgia patients have been found to have other sleep
disorders in addition to the alpha-EEG, such as sleep apnea (as well as the newly discovered form of interrupted breathing called upper airway resistance syndrome, or UARS), bruxism (teeth grinding), periodic limb movement during sleep (jerking of arms and legs), and restless legs syndrome (difficulty sitting still in the evenings).

 Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Constipation, diarrhea, frequent abdominal pain,

abdominal gas, and nausea represent symptoms frequently found in roughly 40 to 70%
of fibromyalgia patients. Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) also
occurs with the same high frequency.

 Chronic headaches - Recurrent migraine or tension-type headaches are seen in about

70% of fibromyalgia patients and can pose a major problem in coping for this patient group.

 Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome - This syndrome, sometimes

referred to as TMJ or TMD, causes tremendous jaw-related face and head pain in one-
quarter of fibromyalgia patients. However, a 1997 published report indicated that close
to 75% of fibromyalgia patients have a varying degree of jaw discomfort. Typically, the
problems are related to the muscles and ligaments surrounding the jaw joint and not
necessarily the joint itself.

 Other common symptoms - Premenstrual syndrome and painful periods, chest pain,

morning stiffness, cognitive or memory impairment, numbness and tingling sensations,
muscle twitching, irritable bladder, the feeling of swollen extremities, skin sensitivities,
dry eyes and mouth, dizziness, and impaired coordination can occur. Fibromyalgia
patients are often sensitive to odors, loud noises, bright lights, and sometimes even the
medications they are prescribed.

 Aggravating factors - Changes in weather, cold or drafty environments, infections,

allergies, hormonal fluctuations (premenstrual and menopausal states), stress,
depression, anxiety and over-exertion may all contribute to fibromyalgia symptom
George, Dr. Kosmides nearly lost his life at 19 after a major car accident. This is what moved him into the field of health. Within 5 years of graduating George lost his father at the age of 56 to diabetic side-effects.  He has since studied at some of the largest clinics in north America to learn why!  

For over 22 years Dr. George has been in active practice. He is a best-selling author and founder of a global wellness company Lean Body Academy, a supplement company, a coaching company and author of "Life without diabetes" (The Book) was created to help people around the world to begin to take control of their health and to promote and grow their family's health ethically and honestly. GET THE APP