Highly processed white flour (alias "enriched wheat flour" or "wheat flour") is missing the two most nutritious and fiber-rich parts of the seed: the outside bran layer and the germ (embryo).
Flour Bleaching Agents are to blame:
- Organic peroxides, namely benzoyl peroxide
- Atmospheric oxygen, used during natural aging of flour
In countries where bleached flour is prohibited unfortunately the US is not one of them, plain flour can be treated in a microwave oven to produce similar chemical changes to the bleaching process. This improves the final texture of baked goods made to recipes intended for bleached flours.
Destroying our health but it's easier for the baker.
A diet of refined foods leaves many women & men malnourished, constipated and weight gainers as well as enervated and vulnerable to chronic illness. Popping fiber and supplements in the hope of compensating for what's missing from our diet, will not work. These pills and powders don't seem to work as well in our bodies as in the lab.
For just as "enriching" refined flour with spray-on nutrients can't make up for those lost during refining, health experts say vitamin pills can never replace whole foods.
Why Brown Rice and Brown Rice Flour!
Long grain brown rice |
Health Benefits of Brown Rice :
- Provides all necessary carbohydrates requirements.
- Rich in fibers.
- Helps control blood sugar.
- Helps control cholesterol.
- It is a body building food.
- Beneficial for stomach and intestinal ulcers and for diarrhea. It is easily digested starch food.
Because of the mineral content, it supplies important nutrient for the hair, teeth, nails, muscles and bones. Brown rice flour is a fine gluten-free substitute for wheat flour in pie crusts, batter breads and crackers. It is extra good when added to pizza crust, making it crispier. This flour has a grainy, gritty texture making it suitable as a substitute in recipes in small amounts.
It produces a dry, fine crumb. In breads, it must be combined with sticky flour like oat, rye. Good 100% rice flour breads are possible if you add guar gum, a vegetable gum. Soak 30 min before cooking or just add 15 % more water than white rice. Basmati Brown is a good place to begin.
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