Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Lacto Ovo Vegetarian:
A lacto ovo vegetarian diet excludes meat and fish but includes dairy products and eggs. This would be considered the standard vegetarian diet.
An ovo-vegetarian diet excludes meat, fish and dairy products but includes the consumption of eggs. Ovo vegetarians are also referred to as “eggetarians”.
A demi-vegetarian diet excludes meat but includes fish, eggs, vegetarian cheese and milk-based products.
Semi-Vegetarian (known as the flexitarian diet):
A semi-vegetarian is considered to be a person who is cutting back on his or her intake of meat, but still eats meat when they feel like it (yawn). There are two subcategories to this form of, dare I say it, vegetarianism, which it really isn’t!
A pollo-vegetarian diet, known as pollotarianism, includes poultry, dairy and eggs but excludes fish or other mammal meat.
A pesco-vegetarian follows a pescatarian diet, which includes eggs and dairy products, and the occasional consumption of chicken and fish, but excludes red
Vegan vs. Vegetarian
The defining can be a bit confusing, yet often confused by companies selling food products, foodies and chefs. Like vegans.

Vegetarians do not eat any animal flesh; no chicken, pig, cow, sea animals.

In addition to not consuming any animal meat, a vegan doesn’t eat eggs, dairy products or any other product derived from an animal. Vegetarians, on the other hand, tend to eat eggs and dairy products like milk and butter.

Vegans also avoid using products that have been tested on animals, like makeup and skin creams, or products made from animal skins such as leather belts and shoes. But vegetarians can be a bit more lenient when it comes to using products derived from animals.  When it comes to being a vegetarian, the definition isn’t always clear cut.

You might meet a vegetarian who doesn’t eat dairy but eats eggs (ovo lacto), or a vegetarian who doesn’t eat eggs or dairy but still wears a leather belt. Veganism, however, is clearly defined: no eating animal flesh, no using products tested on animals or wearing products derived from animals.

George, Dr. Kosmides nearly lost his life at 19 after a major car accident. This is what moved him into the field of health. Within 5 years of graduating George lost his father at the age of 56 to diabetic side-effects.  He has since studied at some of the largest clinics in north America to learn why!  
For over 22 years Dr. George has been in active practice. He is a best-selling author and founder of a global wellness company Lean Body Academy, a supplement company, a coaching company and author of "Life without diabetes" (The Book) was created to help people around the world to begin to take control of their health and to promote and grow their family's health ethically and honestly. GET THE APP

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